Friday, February 28, 2020

Bangladesh information blog

Bangladesh info on history, language, etiquette, culture, and location

“Oh my gosh, did you hear about Bangladesh, I do not know what it is. Is it a common food that is made with farmed ingredients”? “I think it is part of a shoe collection, I’m imagining it as special converses with a star on the base”. “No guys, I think it’s a news channel that talks about South Asia”.

Bangladesh is a small country in Southern Asia that is hardly in the news, due to lack of attention or lack of conflicts. Bangladesh is located in the delta of the Padma (Ganges Ganga) and Jamuna (Brahmaputra). Bangladesh is called “Land of the Bengalis' ), because the Bengal river cuts through it. Most of the people are muslim, other races have a small population in Bangladesh. In 1971, Bangladesh became an independent country along with its capital in Dhaka.

Bengali or Bangla is the majority language, the language that many people speak in Bangladesh. The aryan languages are spoken in Bangladesh, aryan means a member of one of the peoples of the indian subcontinent speaking and indo-european language. The aryan languages that people speak in Bangladesh are Bishnupriya, Chakma, Chittagoggian, Hajong, Rohingya, Sylheti, Tangchangya, Rangpuri, Assamese, Oraon Sadri, and Bihari. The non-aryan languages (austroasiatic languages) in Bangladesh are Khasi, Koda, Mundari, Pnar, Santali, and War- Jaintia. I did not expect that there would be a lot of languages, but they do have a lot of culture.

Bangladesh has a lot of culture, it is amazing how they are compactas a country, while others are falling apart. One greeting that surprised me was when they take place between people with the same sex. This one rule of giving gifts to people is that you should never give money or white flowers, it will be taken offensively and will be considered inappropriate at funerals.As they say, “the left hand is always unclean, so only eat, pass dishes, or drink with the right hand”. Many people eat with their hands, so you might share a dish with others, it’s common.

“ Oh my, now I know more about Bangladesh’s country, I should have stayed in school”.

My sources

Bangladesh Flag

Image result for bangladesh flag

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