Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Best Way To Make Money As A Kid (not a child goat)

When I think of economics I think about my job as a kid that mows lawns (or low mawns as my sister would say) in my neighborhood. I usually earn around $40 per lawn, except at my house where I get $5 for the whole lawn. Sometimes I walk around the neighborhood and stick this flyer I made in doors. My dad bought me my lawnmower and I had to pay off $400 dollars by using said lawnmower. It took 2 months but I finally paid my debt and I could keep all of it, half to my bank account and half to my wallet. What is your job (if you have one)?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. jk I love you blog

  3. If i ever get job I want to be an space man because they get to travel in space and quite soon there will be more space expeditions like mars and stuff. Another job i would not mind having is a veterinarian so i could help Koalas in need #MERICA Will live on

  4. Gal, give your dad a high-five for me. I am glad he made you pay off the mower...but in doing so gave you a way to earn a fat stack of cash for a mawn lower!
