Monday, March 2, 2020

India's FOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!

         You can find interesting foods anywhere in the world. The place I decided to dive into was India in South Asia. Lets just say India has some, well, interesting food. One example is frog legs. You heard that right, frog legs. It sounds disgusting and it probably is. They also have fried snails which sounds gross but might not be. Another thing is silkworms. There is other food too likebutter chicken, curry, and naan. Most of the food is orange/red and looks alike but the flavors are very diverse. Going to India sounds fun, I kinda want to try all the weird foods because you never know what you might like. I challenge you to try a bunch of Indian food you are scared to try.

Frog-leg  bV


  1. Hey Violet! I really like how you gave the example of the frog legs, and i agree those must be nasty! I also did a food from India, I did pearl millet. You should go read my blog post about it because frog legs and pearl millet could have some things in common.I wonder if frog legs and pearl millet have ever been eaten together, have you ever tried frog legs? I haven't and i don't plan on ever having them.

  2. Violet, I also did my blog post about India. I think your blog post was really good but i think you could have started some sentences with differntly. Another thing you could have done was give us some more Indian foods. Now to the good stuff, I really liked your challenge. Even though i'm not big on Indian food it was still pretty good. I agree with you that frog legs sound gross!!
