Monday, March 2, 2020


One traditional food that pakistan eats Haleem and Harees “Is not only in their ancestry but also in the ratio in which the main ingredients are used (the mutton to wheat ratio in Harees is 1:1, while Haleem is made with 3:1) and the taste.” Another food that they eat is Halwa Puri. It originates in the Indian subcontinent notably popular in Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi cuisine. 
A festival that Pakistan celebrates is Eid ul Fitr in English its “Festival of Breaking the Fast” is celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan. Another festival is Eid ul Azha. It’s celebrated from july 30 to August 3. It honours the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God's command.


  1. The reason why I think you did a good job on your blog post is because you gave a lot of details about Pakistan. I have never tried Pakistani food. Maybe I will try Pakistani food one day. I would be interested in learning Pakistani games too. What kind of Pakistani music is there. I bet if you like Pakistani food you will like Indian food too. I hope you enjoyed reading my comment because I really enjoyed reading your blog post.

  2. Good job on your blog post Emma! One reason I think you did good was because you gave good details about Pakistan. I didn't know a lot about Pakistan but now I feel like I know a little bit more. I have never tried Pakistani food. Have you? I enjoyed reading your blog post.
