Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A crowded train ride with my fam

Twenty minutes until work starts. Only two more people to be shoved in. In the distance, I hear "I hate taking the train!" On the other hand, people are suffocating, being smashed together like peas in a pod, only with 500 people in one pod. Well, this is Tokyo, Japan one of the most populated cities in the world. Eventually, the signal goes off that our train is ready to make its morning commute. "Finally" I think, they got those two people shoved in here. Then, all of a sudden, the train blasts off like a rocket, sending people flying and tumbling on to each other like gymnasts. A young American woman comes flying into my rib, sending a searing pain up my side. The struggle is real. With a city of 127 million people, you can imagine how many of those people ride a train at once!! After all, life isn't always a simple car ride to work, it's more like a simple car ride of major claustrophobia! So let me ask you this, would you be able to take on a population of this many people, or nah, is too much for you?

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