Monday, May 16, 2016

Tokyo is a Crazy but Amazing Place

Capsule hotels in Tokyo, Japan are AWESOME. They are really small and I would get really claustrophobic but other than that Tokyo's capsule hotels are sweet. Capsule hotels started doing business more than 30 years ago. Also you  may have seen pictures, but not all of those capsule hotel rooms are that small. In my opinion, I think capsule hotels are awesome but I also like sticking to regular hotel rooms. I like to walk around in a room i mean don't get me wrong it would be so fun to sit on the bed all day and just watch t.v. (then I could use the excuse "there was nothing else to do" because you literally couldn't do anything else in your room.) I kind of wanna try it sometime but you don't have to go to Tokyo, Japan to try one there are some capsule hotels outside of Japan. I challenge you to look up capsule hotels and think about if you would like it or not. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lexie,
    I think it would be really cool to stay in a capsule hotel also! Although I think I would do it just to see what it was like and for the experience. I think I would much rather be in a hotel room also though!:)I would also get very claustrophobic and feel crammed into a little area. Other than that I think it would be great if they moved them into airports. I do think that if they did put them in America than I think a prime spot would be in airports. Other areas are maybe not an idea place when you could just go to a normal hotel that might even be cheaper! I think that this is something that if people already stayed in a capsule hotel they might not want to again. That means that the people staying there would decrees by a lot. I wonder if the people there have good ratings about their capsule hotels in Japan. I think it would be fun to stay in one for a night but not to live in one . . . that's for sure! Do you think that they should be in the USA?!
